Gray Ghost Traditional Archery
Gray Ghost Traditional Archery
Custom Cedar Arrows
About Page
Guest Book Page
What's New Page
Some good Friends
Primitve Cooks Corner
O'siyo ,Welcome to our site : We are a Family owned , full time Archery Business.
Are goal is to provide the best products you can get today and in the future ! We take great pride in our Custom Cedar Arrows and other Hand made items .
It's Here (Gray Ghost Super Flex - 40) New Tipi's , Wall tents, Pyramid Tents , Wedge Tents !
For info on these Well made Tipi"s and other fine canvas tents please contact us or visit Don's website at , Picture from Don's website !

MoJam 2007 - Dates July
MoJam 2000 was even better this year and more people than last year . Lots of bows were built and Mr. Gary Davis worked even harder this year and thanks to everyone who had a helping hand to make this a great meet this year can't wait to see who comes next year ! If you want to learn to make a bow and learn other skills and like to make new friends , this is one shoot you Don't Want To Miss. Keep in touch for info on this shoot , lots of selling , trading & bartering so bring trading goodies also , see youins there this year !!
Bois D' Arc Primitive skills gathering and Knap-in is Sept.26-28
New Email , and 417-864-3519
Keeping Traditions Alive
By passing on our knowledge of archery skills ,Bow and Arrows , Flint Knapping and other American Indian Skills to all , we're Keeping The Traditions Alive ! !!